Hello! It's been a while since I sat down and just typed a 'what's going on' type of post. The short answer to that is, not much. Things were a bit hectic for a while but have calmed down quite considerably. Craig and I were planning on moving back to Glasgow this summer, but after a lot of consideration, we decided that we both liked living in Edinburgh too much. It's a beautiful city and we're quite settled here, so it'd be a shame to move and stress when we're quite happy here. To counter still being so far away from friends and family, learning to drive is the next thing on the to do list. It'll be scary, but I can't wait to have my own little car.
Work has been hectic too, hence why the blog has been a little bit bare recently. The staff have been dropping like flies, and soon we'll be down to only four full time members of staff. Any kind of life I currently have right now is about to disappear. I can't wait until we're no longer short staffed, it's too much and I'm really not looking forward to working six day weeks again.
Other than that, things have been all good around here! It's only getting better too now that there's some sun and hot weather around. I've even had my peely-wally legs out recently!
F i v e t h i n g s t h a t h a v e m a d e m e h a p p y -
1. Now that it's lighter in the evenings, I've been staring at so many beautiful sunsets, like the one pictured above. I took that on the way to catch the bus after work about two weeks ago.
2. My cat has been super cuddly with me recently, and she was already pretty cuddly. Now she licks my neck and tucks her head under my chin (or on my face) and sleeps for ages. It's so cute.
3. Buying loads of fruit now that the hotter weather is here. I always lose my appetite for big meals in the summer, choosing pasta or rice or even just an apple for dinner. I just stock my fridge up with vegetables and fruit now, it's delicious and light.
4. I have a holiday coming up for a week, starting at the end of April going into May and I am so excited. Craig has the same days off too, so it means we'll be able to spend a good amount of time together as neither of us enjoys working opposite shifts all the time.
5. Switching our heavier duvet for a lighter, thinner one! I hate sleeping without any covers on me, I need to be covered head to toe as I have a constant fear of something grabbing my leg or arm when I'm sleeping.. (I'm 24 this year, people), so a lighter cover really helps with the heat.
F i v e s o n g s I ' v e b e e n e n j o y i n g -
1. Fake It - Seether
2. I'm Made Of Wax Larry, What Are You Made Of? - A Day To Remember
3. Bullet Theory - Funeral For A Friend
4. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo - Bloodhound Gand
5. Go With The Flow - Queens Of The Stone Age
F i v e t h i n g s I ' v e b e e n w a t c h i n g -
1. The Hobbit Trilogy
2. Pretty Little Liars (I'm currently on season three, no spoilers please!)
3. The Office - An American Workplace (this will never not be watched at all times)
4. The Walking Dead - season five
5. Watching Craig play through Bloodborne on the PS4, which has been entertaining. (does this count?)
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